Geoff from coins and discusses the concept of Repeatability in media, which he defines to be the number of times you can repeat a piece of media before you get totally sick of it.
-definition of repeatability in media
-online repeatability
-Repeating on Youtube
-Benefits of repeating
-repeatability in music (e.g. radio)
-low repeatability
-giving things a chance
-The Medium affects repeatability
-my favorite book is repeatable
-Music is very repeatable
-are movies designed for rewatching?
-what is your most repeatable song/book?
-the ability to repeat easily is the gift of the digital age
-History: Early attempts at repeatability (Classical Music)
-Music/Jazz: The vinyl record and other recording mediums legitimized improvisation in music.
-How does repeatability affect you?
-Designing for repeatability
-Case study: Video game music
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Technical notes:
-Filmed with a Sony Cybershot DSC-HX7V in 30p MP4 mode. “Adult” face detection mode, manual white balance set to 18% Gray card. No color correction was done to this video.
-Audio recorded into a Sony ICD-SX712 using the built-in mics in the unit.
-Audio was compressed with a 4:1 compression ratio in Audacity and normalized to -0.2 DB
-Audio was synced with the video using Pluraleyes by Singular Software
-Video was edited using Adobe Premiere Pro CS5.5 (5.5.2) – legally licensed copy – on a Windows 7 Dell PC (Intel i7 and USB 3.0 for a faster workflow).
@Woggyflush a wise and insightful comment as usual :) I totally agree and I think we are in the golden age of Youtube right now. I truly hope it continues to be as free (in both senses of the word) for a long while yet…
The higher the quality, the higher the repeatability. Because there are more hidden layers you can explore. The “songs” of Miley Cyrus or Justin Bieber are nothing more than musical fast food. It doesn’t satisfy you, so you replace with with similar junk in a rapid cycle. And you cripple your taste with it! So you’d better avoid it in the first place!
On the other hand, you can to listen to Bach or Beethoven a life long and never get bored. Because they are quality! Of course, there are
quality songs in every musical genre. There is quality jazz, quality hip hop (RZA in the 90’s), quality electronic music (it comes in a wide variety of styles), quality singing….it’s not limited to the European Classic. But you need to find it, because the trash is everywhere and clutters the media channels. Thank God for Youtube! It’s pure serendipity for me. I have discovered so much here I would probably never have stumbled upon in “real” life because nobody told me.
@Chris thanks Chris! Interesting, shelf life is definitely related to repeatability however shelf life is a duration applied to a market, where Repeatability is a quantity or average quantity (of number of times something can be repeated) applied to an individual or representative group member. It would be interesting to see how repeatability affects shelf life. One commenter on my post proposed that pop music is designed with a lower repeatability and therefore lower shelf life so that the industry can push through more product & sell more tracks.
However, video game music has a very high repeatability so that people will continue playing the game longer.
That already exists. It’s called shelf life.