Category: Vlogs

My Biggest Pet Peeve (No action items) – and interview about my career as a software dev and hobbies

My Biggest Pet Peeve (No action items) – and interview about my career as a software dev and hobbies

Water Under Bridges (Gregory Porter Cover) – by Geoff Peters (Vocals and piano) – from Liquid Spirit

Water Under Bridges (Gregory Porter Cover) – by Geoff Peters (Vocals and piano) – from Liquid Spirit

How do you decide whether to say yes or no to an opportunity? (Life planning and volunteering)

How do you decide whether to say yes or no to an opportunity? (Life planning and volunteering)

What Do You Do Consistently? (Reviewing my daily and weekly tasks) – Project Planning and Execution

What Do You Do Consistently? (Reviewing my daily and weekly tasks) – Project Planning and Execution