How to Clean and Maintain Your Bread Machine

How to Clean and Maintain Your Bread Machine
by Geoff Peters, Home Baker Extraordinaire

I’ve been making bread for years now, and I love my bread machine. But the most challenging part is when the machine starts squeaking. Bread machines need some lubrication now and then. But despite what you may read online, don’t use sewing machine oil or 3-in-1 oil, as these oils are poisionous. Instead, find a food grade (H1 rated) chain lubrication designed for lubricating chains inside commercial ovens in food plants. These are usually rated to very high temperatures – you should look for a lubricant that has a flash point of around 375 degrees F or higher, as the lubricant needs to remain stable even through multiple baking cycles. I recommend the Food Plant Chain Lube from CRC, which is available in Canada through business supply store websites such as Grainger or Tenaquip.

Apply the lubrication to the underside of the bread pan, on the top of the shaft attachment to the rotator clip. Just a squirt or two, and then rotate the shaft holding the pan upside-down to allow the lubrication to penetrate the shaft. This should hopefully solve any squeaking issues with your machine and keep it baking for many years to come.

Recommended product:

CRC Food Plant Chain Lube, Aerosol Can

Food Plant Chain Lube, Aerosol Can
Format: 340 g
Appearance: Clear/White Liquid
Film Type: Wet
Base Type: Mineral Oil
Flash Point: 188°C
Model: AF201

Manufacturer Model No.: 73056

Food Plant Chain Lube, 340 Grams
Part No. – 73056
Case Order Number – 1006159

The Meaning of Life (A poem by AI)

Beautiful Richmond waterfront

The meaning of life is simply

to find your bliss, and follow it, and do not care too much about what

other people say, what other people do.

It’s all right.

In the end,

what matters, is that you feel fine.

And when you feel fine, you will most definitely find the right


And you will be happy.

– Written by GPT-NeoX 20B

Bitcoin – a poem (written by AI)


Bitcoin – a poem

One day I saw the future
A bitcoin was the middleman
The world would change
Bitcoin made the bank bail
They all saw I saw this
We could not do a thing
Now when they call me
Im not call me
My BTC coins will make me
Oh yeah
In a world were borders were for sissies
Wherever you are
I don’t really need them now, they’re just part of the system anyway
They are all so out of touch
With the new world that we’ve created
We are free in every way and I feel so much like a king. Now!
There’s such a different tune when you don’t have a border line
When you can trade it with people
The world’s a lot better
Without all the bureaucracy and all the money
You only have to ask for it
No currency controls
No more banks
Just people to trade with
And the music man?

How long do we have to wait for the future? And how many people will wait with us?
“Some countries still don’t have the right to print
new money and to do so enriches the state and the few.”

Fictional Interview with Dr. Sandra J. Hawthorne on the topic of Ethical Leadership — Generated by AI

Washington, D.C. - Photo by Geoff Peters
Washington, D.C. — Photo by Geoff Peters

This text was generated entirely using Artificial Intelligence (GPT-NeoX 20B) and the names and titles mentioned are entirely fictional.

This is an excerpt from an interview between sociologist Qiuning Wang and a distinguished professor of business, Dr. Sandra J. Hawthorne, from Harvard Business School.

Interviewer: Good afternoon Dr. Hawthorne, and thank you for joining us. Today’s topic is Ethical Leadership. Our first question is, “Why ethics in leadership is important?” Please go ahead.

Dr. Hawthorne: Thank you Qiuning. To me, ethics in leadership is important because ethics is at the heart of the human condition. Every person on this planet lives by some set of values or ethical principles.

It is essential for leaders to understand those principles and act accordingly. That’s why they need to have high moral character.

They need to be principled, and they also need to live up to their promises. They need to do the right thing. If they don’t do that, they will not be trusted, and then they cannot lead. So, ethics and moral character are at the heart of effective leadership.

Interviewer: Excellent, thank you. Our next question is, “How can we make ethical choices in difficult situations?” Please go ahead.

Dr. Hawthorne: I have found that when we are faced with ethical dilemmas, what’s critical is how we perceive the situation. In other words, what is our frame of mind? Are we looking at the world through the eyes of love, or are we viewing the world through the eyes of fear? If we are viewing the world through the eyes of love, then our hearts will guide our minds to make good decisions. We want to be careful about the company we keep. We want to be sure that those we spend time with are people who inspire us and who help us to see things differently. Those we spend time with can become mirrors reflecting back our own values and our own priorities.

Interviewer: Very insightful. Thanks. Our next question is, “How should we react towards behaviors that are unethical?” Please go ahead.

Dr. Hawthorne: I think the best way to respond is to first be aware. This may sound like a cliché, but it’s also really true. In my work with leaders at all levels, they often say to me, “Sandra, I didn’t know.” And they’re right. There are so many situations in life where you don’t have time to look up the right thing to do. You just have to make a quick decision based on what you see. The other important thing is that when you do see something wrong, you have to own up to it. It’s not enough to say, “Oh well, I don’t agree with that,” or, “I’m not comfortable with that.” You have to say, “I made a mistake.” You can’t build a strong team if you don’t take responsibility for your own mistakes.

Let me just say that it depends on the context. If we have a specific case in which someone is doing something that they know to be wrong, then that may be a good time to approach them about it and try to talk them out of it. But if you think about it, it’s probably best not to start by accusing them. It’s too easy to get angry, to get defensive, and to become personally invested in the outcome of the conversation. It’s much better to try to identify the reasons for their behavior and help them see that there are other ways of handling the situation. This requires that we first recognize that we might have been involved in the same sort of behavior. This means that we need to be willing to look at our own behavior and make some changes in our behavior.

About the Author

This fictional interview was written by GPT-NeoX 20B, an AI text generation model by, in combination with the human Geoff Peters.

You can try out the AI model at GooseAI.

About the Human

Geoff Peters is a dad, husband, software developer, musician, and Toastmaster from Vancouver Canada. You can find his website at

Girl from Ipanema (Jobim) – Vocals and Piano cover by Erin and Geoff – September 29 2022

Here’s a recording of our practice of Girl from Ipanema
Composed in 1962 by Antônio Carlos Jobim
Lyrics by Vinícius de Moraes (Portuguese lyrics) and Norman Gimbel (English lyrics).

Please subscribe :)

Performed by Erin A. (vocals) and Geoff P. (piano)

Recorded on Zoom H1

In this recording, Geoff P. plays a gorgeous Grotrian-Steinweg grand piano.

For a *free MP3 download* of this performance, please click here:

Mastered in Audacity
(see my tutorial here: )

Edited in Shotcut based on a tutorial by Cristi Cotovan
(see their tutorial here: )

Art created by Stable Diffusion and upscaled using Real-ESRGAN.

Stable Diffusion Prompt:
“A beautiful, striking, and award-winning oil painting in the style of a brilliant but underrated Brazillian artist of the Brazilian city’s Arpoador Beach. Few life size bronze statues will be more popular among the residents of Rio de Janeiro than the one that has just been erected to honor the singer-composer who helped to immortalize the Brazilian city’s Arpoador Beach. That person is, of course, Rio native and bossa nova pioneer Antonio Carlos Tom Jobim, whose song The Girl from Ipanema became one of the most recorded of all time.”

Some related info:

For more information about Stable Diffusion you can check out the following sites:

Get started generating images here:

Running Stable Diffusion on your GPU with less than 10GB of VRAM on Windows:


Explore images generated by Stable Diffusion (warning, some may be not safe for work!!):

Thanks for watching!

About this channel:
Geoff Peters is a dad, husband, software developer, musician, and Toastmaster from Vancouver Canada. You can find him on twitter at