Here’s a discussion about an important election issue for me: the legality of foreign ownership of our telecom business in Canada. Will Canada remove its outdated regulations and allow foreign owned companies like Wind Mobile to compete? as a consumer I am fed up with the high prices of the Bell Telus and Rogers monopoly.

Canadian Politics: will the Liberals allow more competition in the Telecom Industry?
- Post author By Geoff Peters
- Post date
- Categories In Activism, Ideas, Latest Videos, Media, People, Politics, Technology
- No Comments on Canadian Politics: will the Liberals allow more competition in the Telecom Industry?
- Tags bell, canada, canadian, canadian content, commercial, commercials, conservative, conservatives, crtc, election, foreign ownership, globalive, harper, ignatieff, liberal, liberals, michael, news, orascom, policies, politics, rogers, stephen, steven, supreme court, telus, tony clement, wind mobile