What is Practice? How to Practice to learn to do anything.

Geoff from geoffmobile.com talks about how to practice better and more effectively to achieve mastery and progress in any area of life, such as sports, music, fitness, job skills, public speaking, and more!

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Filmed at Best Run Toastmasters club in Vancouver BC Canada. For more information about Toastmasters please visit toastmasters.org

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Speech notes and quotes from interesting articles:

What is practice?
Why is it important?
Practicing sports
Practicing music
Practicing singing
Practicing with a teacher
Practicing with a team


What is practice?

Singing, yoga, pilates, computer programming.

Practice is a key to success and mastery in life, including public speaking!

“Deliberate practice.
Meaning, that there is a specific type of practice that facilitates the attainment of an elite level of performance. And then there’s the other kind of practice that most of us are more familiar with.”

“Practice doesn’t make perfect, practice makes permanent.”

“continually looking for new ways to improve”
“I spend my practice time remains more important than how much time I spend practicing.”

“Life is short. Time is our most valuable commodity. If you’re going to practice, you might as well do it right.”


Practice what you can’t do

It’s not how many hours of practice you spend. it’s how focused you are, and what you actually do when you practice.

Robert Glasper – practice what you can’t do rather than what you can do.
“But if you’re perpetually challenging yourself, you’re getting better because you’re stepping up to fight the next person or take the next step and so forth and so forth. If you’re always the best, you’re going to become complacent, you’ll have a tendency to not practice because you don’t need to. So uncomfortable situations are learning situations, that’s the best way to overcome that doubt. It’s work ethic, if I can’t do it right now then give me 24 hours.”


Some Practice Tips and techniques

“The key to successful practice is to aim small. You will not only learn better what you’re practicing, but also enjoy it more. “

“figure out which parts are hard and which parts are easy.”
“Then, work on the hard parts first”
“Starting out with the hard stuff with a fresh mind will be easier than trying to tackle the tough stuff when you’re tired from practicing everything else. “
“Break it down. Even if you have already started your practice with small goals, it is always a smart technique to break it sown even further. That means working in bite-size chunks.”
“Put it back together. Once you’ve practiced in small bits, then your job is to put them back together. In our music example, that means going back to that first chunk of a measure and making it twice as big”
“Play or dance in very slow motion and you may be surprised at how much attention you give to small parts. Once your able to practice in slow motion, speed it up.”


“Strong in concentration, on and off stage; ever striving for improvement, but relaxed when none seems to take place; aiming the dart tirelessly at every bullseye, but gentle and kind when it clatters to the floor. Muscles are effective when they are able to tense and relax at will, not just when they bulge in a ripple of aggression.”


“So, when interrupted in the middle of a task, not only were participants more motivated to resume working on that task, but they also continued working on it for much longer.”

“One, many have found that simply getting started is 90% of the challenge (and yup, I totally made up that number…but you get the point).”


“Practice makes perfect” – not true. There is no “perfect.” Practice makes better. If you ever think that you played “perfectly, ” you are probably fooling yourself. There is always a way to make your music better. Learn to analyze and evaluate your own playing.


“In golf, you have to change from ‘I hit a bad shot’ to a positive mindset. Also, with missing notes or missing a shot in basketball, the emotional responses to your performance are very parallel.”

Music tip: to learn a song listen to Frank Sinatra’s version

Geoff from geoffmobile.com shares a music tip: to learn a song it is often helpful to listen to the Frank Sinatra version.

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Here is Frank Sinatra singing the Christmas Song:

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